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6. 📚 Home Task

The home task should be done using TypeScript.


The starter code for the home task is located in docs/3-building-blocks-of-oop-part-2/hometask folder

Check the UML representation of a set of classes that represent the inventory and various types of items.

The classes and methods in italics are abstract. The concrete child classes must implement all methods from the abstract parent classes. Item, Consumable, and Weapon are the abstract classes.

The line from Item to Comparable indicates that Item must implement the Comparable interface. Similarly, the ItemWeightComparator class must implement the ItemComparator interface, which extends the Comparator interface. ItemWeightComparator compares items based on their weight.


Specific Steps​

The Item class is the common ancestor to the various types of items that can exist in this fantasy game.

  • All instances of Item are given a unique number id. These are to be assigned by the Item constructor. The first instance of an item is assigned an id of 0 (zero); the next is assigned 1, etc. Note that you have available a class variable that will help with the implementation of the constructor (and there is a static reset() method).

  • compareTo(other: Item): The Item class implements the Comparable interface. This requires adding the compareTo(other: Item) method to the class. The compareTo(other: Item) method takes in another instance of Item and compares it to the current instance. If the current instance's value field is greater than other's value field then the method should return a positive integer (convention is 1). If the current instance's value field is less than other's value field then the method should return a negative integer (convention is -1). If both items are equal, then compare the name field of the items lexicographically (meaning, compare each character in the strings based on its value, ignoring case. i.e. A == a), returning the appropriate value.

  • Item.toString(): for an Item with the name of "ring", a value of 3000, and a weight of 0.013, the method must return a string in the following format (excluding the quotes):

    "ring − Value: 3000, Weight: 0.01"

The ItemWeightComparator class implements the ItemComparator interface, meaning instances of it can be passed to methods requiring a comparator for objects of type Item.

  • The compare(first: Item, second: Item) method of ItemWeightComparator should function similarly to the compareTo(other: Item) method of the Item class, but for the weight field of the Items. If the weights are equal, this method should call the compareTo(other: Item) method of the first Item and return the resulting value.

The Weapon class is an abstract implementation of Item and describes items that can deal damage and break from use. All instances of Weapon have a base damage value baseDamage and a modifier to that value damageModifier. The sum of these two values determines the effective damage that this Weapon can do on a single use. In addition, Weapons have a base durability value baseDurability, and a modifier to that value durabilityModifier. The sum of these two values determines the effective durability of the Weapon. When this sum reaches zero or less, the effective durability is zero and the Weapon is considered to be broken and cannot be used.

You need to implement the next methods:

  • Weapon.getDamage(): Returns the effective Weapon damage.

  • Weapon.getDurability(): Returns the effective durability of the Weapon.

  • Weapon.toString(): for a Weapon with the name of "hammer", a value of 300, a weight of 2.032, a baseDamage value of 30.4219, a damageModifier of 0.05, a baseDurability of 0.7893, and a durabilityModifier of 0.05, the method returns a string in the following format:

    "hammer − Value: 300, Weight: 2.03, Damage: 30.47, Durability: 83.93%"
  • Weapon.use(): This method returns a string describing what happens when a Weapon is used. For a Weapon with the name of "hammer", and an effective damage of 30.4725, the method should return the following:

    "You use the hammer, dealing 30.47 points of damage."
  • "Using" a Weapon lowers (subtracts) its effective durability by Weapon.MODIFIER_CHANGE_RATE. If the effective durability of the Weapon hits or drops below 0, the Weapon will "break". If the Weapon "breaks", the method should output the previous string, but additionally with a newline character and the additional text "The hammer breaks.":

    "You use the hammer, dealing 34.05 points of damage. The hammer breaks."
  • For a Weapon with the name of "hammer", if it is "broken" (The effective durability is 0 or less), calling its use() method returns the following:

    "You can't use the hammer, it is broken."

In this case, there is no change to durabilityModifier.

The Sword class is a concrete implementation of Weapon that you must provide.

  • All instances of the Sword class have the name "sword".
  • Sword.polish(): This method increases the instance's damageModifier by adding Weapon.MODIFIER_CHANGE_RATE each time polish() is called, up to 25% of the baseDamage value. If the base damage of a sword were to be 100, then the maximum that the effective damage could be increased to would be 125.

The Bow class is a concrete implementation of Weapon that you must provide.

  • All instances of the Bow class have the name "bow".
  • Bow.polish(): This method increases the instance's durabilityModifier by adding Weapon.MODIFIER_CHANGE_RATE. Any changes are capped such that effective durability is no larger than one (1).

The Inventory class is a container for items in this fantasy game. You need to add the following methods:

  • Inventory.sort(): This sorts the items in the Inventory instance based on their value.
  • Inventory.sort(comparator: ItemComparator): This sorts the items in the Inventory instance based on their weight.
  • Inventory.toString(): returns string representation of the item list (.join(', ')).

The Consumable class describes those items that can be eaten by the player. Consumables can be marked as consumed, and can be spoiled. These properties are stored in the instance variables consumed and spoiled, respectively. A newly-created Consumable object should have its consumed field set to false.

  • Consumable.use(): If a Consumable is not spoiled and is not consumed, calling this simply returns the value from a call to For a Consumable with the name of "bread" that has already been consumed, this method returns the following:
    "There is nothing left of the bread to consume."

Assuming for this Consumable named "bread" that the value returned by a call to its eat() method is the following:

"You eat the bread."

If this "bread" were to be spoiled, the method returns this string, appended with a newline and the text "You feel sick.":

"You eat the bread.
You feel sick."

Specific instructions​

  1. Start from creating Item, Consumable, and Inventory classes.
  2. Create the Sword, Bow and ItemWeightComparator classes

Implementation details​

  1. both int/float types in the UML diagram represents "number" type in Typescript;
  2. Item class:
    • numberOfItems is static getter property which returns counter (keep it outside class declaration and increment every time class constructor is executed)
    • reset() method should assign 0 to the counter
    • compareTo(other: Item) - see description above
  3. Consumable class:
    • consumed is false when create new instance
  4. Inventory class:
    • items - Item[]
    • sort() method is polymorphic and has 2 declarations: sort() and sort(comparator: ItemComparator)
  5. Weapon class:
    • don't forget to use super in constructor (note that parent classes can require extra fields, such as name)
  6. Pizza class:
    • example of eat() method: usage

Evaluation criteria​

  1. Only some classes were implemented.
  2. Some classes were not implemented.
  3. Some required methods are missing.
  4. All tasks are implemented to a full extend.