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3. Anti SOLID

Let us summarize all the information we got about SOLID principles and talk about anti SOLID behavior that you might have faced.

  • Anti-SRP - "Blurred" responsibility principle: classes are split into many small classes, resulting in logic being spread across multiple classes and/or modules.
  • Anti-OCP - Factory-Factory Principle. The design is too general and extensible, with too many levels of abstraction.
  • Anti-LSP - The principle of unclear inheritance: either an excessive amount of inheritance, or in its complete absence.
  • Anti-ISP - Thousand Interface Principle. Class interfaces are fragmented into too many pieces, making them awkward for all clients to use.
  • Anti-DIP - "DI-brain" Principle. Interfaces are allocated for each class and passed in batches through constructors. It becomes almost impossible to understand where the logic is.